A Down-to-Earth Heaven

A lot of people think Heaven is sitting around on a cloud playing a harp all day, doing nothing except being “holy” - and they don’t find it very appealing! Thank God that is not what Heaven is like!

Heaven is not a state or condition. Heaven is a place. “I go to prepare a place for you,” promised Jesus. “In My Father’s house are many mansions” (John 14:2).

Heaven is a pretty practical, common sense, down-to-earth place!
Heaven is not so terribly different from this present existence to where we can’t even comprehend or understand it. Otherwise, when we arrived there, we would be completely lost and we wouldn’t be able to relate to it. 

We’re going to be surprised when we discover that things in Heaven are normal and natural, much like this life. Of course, it will be better, much more beautiful and supernatural, without all the troubles, trials, tribulations, suffering, tears and pain we have here. However, it will still be enough like this life that we will survive the change and not suffer some sort of traumatic “culture shock.” It’ll be life very much like we’re living now, only without the bad and evil.

Heaven is not a place of eternal rest, but a place of eternal life.

Concerning the loved ones who have passed on … do not try to make me believe that they are doing nothing, merely resting, careless ever. That would imply the condition of Hell, not of Heaven.
Campbell Morgan

We must get away from the traditional idea that the saints in Heaven have one eternal holiday; that they have nothing to occupy them save playing a harp and incessantly singing.
H. Lockyer

The material universe … even down to the smallest electron, is in motion. Heaven undoubtedly is a very active place. Suns and planets are speeding through the universe at terrific speeds. Nothing could be further from the truth than the old idea that in Heaven the people are just sitting around, or lolling about, with nothing to do - an idle, stagnant life. It is inconsistent to imagine a Heaven in which people would sit under the shade of the trees, or on the bank of the River of Life, twanging a harp - “perhaps a thousand strings” - and spend an eternity in a do-nothing world! … We cannot conceive that God would put us in another world with renewed and enlarged powers of body and mind, and leave us with nothing to do.
Leewin B. Williams

In Heaven we shall not rest from our work, but from our labors. There will be no toil, no pain in the work.

We’re going to have plenty of work to do, but it’s going to be a lot easier than here. There’ll be no sorrow, no sickness, no pain, no weariness, no death, no more tears, no more crying. That’s certainly going to make things easier. We’re going to have rest in Heaven compared to what we’ve had in this life, but we’re also going to have something to do. We’d eventually be unhappy if we didn’t!

The thought of eternal rest is boring. If we had nothing to do and no responsibilities, living would become a bore and a burden. Paradise … is a place of beauty because it is a place of growth.

After death we are given another chance for the fulfillment of the best in the individual life. Eternal life overcomes all human limitations.

I feel within me that future life. I am like a forest that has been razed; the new shoots are stronger and brighter. I shall most certainly rise toward the heavens. … The nearer my approach to the end, the plainer is the sound of immortal symphonies of worlds which invite me. For half a century I have been translating my thoughts into prose and verse: history, philosophy, drama, romance, tradition, satire, ode, and song; all of these I have tried. But I feel I haven’t given utterance to the thousandth part of what lies within me. When I go to the grave I can say, as others have said, “My day’s work is done.” But I cannot say, “My life is done.” My work will recommence the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley; it is a thoroughfare. It closes upon the twilight, but opens upon the dawn.
Victor Hugo

Death is the opposite of retiring. Jesus made a promise to those who are faithful in this life: “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:23). Death is the emancipation of the soul into greater activity.

The future life is where we will go on helping to bring the universe to perfection, which is God’s grand ultimate aim. [The purpose of life] is to help God run the universe. Everyone in that better land will be busy all the time, and the environment will be perfect all the time for doing the work which God assigns to all.

Edwin Markham

Quotations credited to CLA are taken from The Good News About Heaven by Charles L. Allen, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Reprinted by permission.
Quotations credited to DBB are taken from the writings of David Brandt Berg. Reprinted by permission.
Quotations from Herbert Lockyer are from his book The Life Beyond, published by Fleming H. Revell.
Quotations that are not attributed are from unknown authors.
All Scripture is from the King James (Authorized) ­Version of the Bible, unless otherwise indicated.

Compiled and edited by Phillip Sherwood

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