
Many aspects of Heaven have been presented in these pages. However, some questions remain unanswered. Perhaps the most important is, “How can I know for certain that I am going to Heaven?” Most of us want to go, but when pressed, aren’t really sure if we qualify.
The same God who loves us enough to create us, this life, the universe and the Heaven we have just read about has made it very easy for each of us to be assured of a place there. It is best summed up in a very simple, but very important verse from the Bible.
For God so loved the world [each of us], that He gave His only begotten Son [Jesus], that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Jesus, John 3:16, NKJ
God loves each of us in a very special way. He knows that the only way we’re going to be truly happy and personally fulfilled is to live with Him forever. To make this possible, He sent His Son, Jesus, to show us how to live and love, and to die for us. Jesus is the bridge between this life and Heaven.
And don’t ever think that you are too “bad” to go to Heaven. God knows everything you have ever done or said or even thought, and He still loves you unconditionally. Heaven is full of sinners - that is, people who have done bad things, but asked God for His forgiveness. All He wants you to do is to tell Him you’re sorry and invite Him into your life.
Would you like to know for sure that you’re going to Heaven? If you wish, you can sincerely pray this simple prayer:

“Jesus, I want to know You and to live forever in Heaven.  I know I’ve made mistakes and done bad things - and I’m sorry. I know I don’t deserve it, but I accept Your love and ask that I can be with You in Heaven. Please come into my life and help me, and give me peace.”

God has promised to answer your prayer, so you now have a home in Heaven! God bless you with a wonderful, fulfilling eternity! See you there!

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